Monday, January 25, 2010

Sasha Cohen :)

Name : Alexandra Pauline Cohen ( Sasha Cohen )
Field : sports , figure skater ( ice skating )
Country represented : United States
Date of birth : October 26 , 1984
Place of birth : Westwood , Los Angeles , California
Successes : 2006 Olympic silver medalist , 2003 Grand Prix Final Champion and 2006 U.S champion .

Skating trademarks : She is known for her difficult and creative positions in her spins , such as the "I" spin position which she popularized , and is also sometimes informally referred to as the "Sasha spin" . She is the first skater to have received +3s for spirals in the new judging system for 'Grade of Execution'.

Why do you like / admire this person ? : We admire / like this person because she skates very gracefully and it is fun to watch her skate .

Group members :)

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